High-Performance Cluster

The chair's own HPC cluster is equipped with the following hardware

  • Water-cooled rack infrastructure
  • 28 computing nodes, each with 2 x 14 CPU cores (2 x Intel Xeon "Skylake" Gold 6132) and 96 GB RAM
  • 8   computing nodes, each with 2 x 20 CPU cores (2 x Intel Xeon "Scalable" Gold 6248) and 96 GB RAM
  • In the current expansion stage, a total of 1104 CPU cores
  • Login server with 2 x Intel Xeon "Skylake" Gold 6132 with 192 GB RAM and Nvidia Quadro graphics card
  • Storage server with 84 TB gross capacity
  • Blade interconnect Intel Omni-Path Fabric with 100 Gbit/s